Pixels | Points | Picas
My name is Jeremy Lee Gibbs and I am a Photographer, Artist, and Graphic Designer. This website is my carefully curated collection of pixels, points, and picas. It provides me a place to share my personal projects, and a way to keep in touch. Please look around!
Press F11: Full Screen Ahead!

City | Country
An exhibition of my pixel collection. These galleries contain a cross-section of my personal photography. While I am always interested in shooting new things I have always had a special interest in Street Photography, and Nature. Candid photos in their natural habitat.

Art | Design
The intersection of real and digital. These galleries contain a variety of my personal creative work exploring different mediums and design processes. While the majority of my work revolves around digital image processing, I still feel there is something special and distinct about the tangible. Real things look real. This is why I love to create material assets and focus on bringing a sense of authenticity to the digital world.

Comments | Collaboration
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to send me a message at any time! I am always interested to hear what people think and looking for suggestions. If you have an idea let me know!